Friday, May 31, 2013

Post Surgery Week 2 - part 2

This post might fall under the TMI heading but for anyone considering this type of surgery, it's probably good stuff to know.  And besides, I'm 50 and way beyond caring about stuff like this!

Through that first week I had been most concerned about the nausea side of my gastrointestinal system.  I had been warned that the narcotics often cause constipation and that isn't something you really want to deal with when your hip is rather sore.  I had brought home stool softeners with my prescriptions but after the first day, read that you shouldn't take them if you are experiencing nausea.  Since I wasn't eating, I wasn't too concerned about getting anything back out.  I had a bit of gas now and then so I wasn't overly concerned.  I sort of forgot about Thursday's dinner....

When I could finally eat on Wednesday, it must have woke up my bowels too.  I was happy to finally go but it hurt like hell and felt like I was pooping out thumb tacks.  Not good.  

The next couple days the door was closed.  I felt the urge to go but the nether regions were saying "not now".  I started popping the stool softeners and dug out an old tube of Preparation H.  The next time wasn't any easier and I have a feeling that routine is going to continue for a while.  I'm thinking I need to change up my diet for the next week and concentrate on fruits and veggies and other high fiber foods.  

Lesson:  Start on high fiber foods prior to the surgery and try to avoid constipation!

I think I also over-did it a little again.  My arms are really sore from the crutches but I was winging all over the house trying to clean up for some guests.  I really should have asked my kids to clean up MUCH better before they left for a few days.  Hubby was great and did a lot of the things I just can't do yet like the floors but I'm a control freak and still had to do more than I should have.

Lesson:  Hire a cleaning crew pre-surgery and then ask family to KEEP it clean during recovery.

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